My Favorite Fiction Reads

My Favorite Fiction Reads

(This post contains affiliate links.) Today I am sharing my favorite fiction books that I’ve read in the past three years. Looking at the list, I apparently like anything that makes me cry ha! Favorite Fiction Reads -Me Before You: By Jojo Moyes -The Longest 

My Favorite Poetry Collections

My Favorite Poetry Collections

(This post contains affiliate links.) In the past three years I’ve read over 50 books. This does not include the countless picture books I read with my daughter on a daily basis. This blog post series will consist of weeks of me sharing my favorite 

How I Make Time to Write: Tip 4

How I Make Time to Write: Tip 4

Today I’m sharing my final tip for making time to write. 4. Prioritize I only work on writing projects for a certain amount of time while my daughter is awake. Then I wait until naptime or bedtime to continue working on things. I really like 

How I Make Time to Write: Tip 3

How I Make Time to Write: Tip 3

Today I’m sharing my third tip on how to make time to write: Tip 3: Cut Out Distractions This has been a big one. I am not glued to my phone. I only respond to text messages at certain times during the day. This way 

How I Make Time to Write: Tip 2

How I Make Time to Write: Tip 2

Today I’m sharing my second tip to make time for writing. Tip 2: One Project At A Time I had so many fun ideas floating around in my head, that I often didn’t get any writing done. I would work a little on one project 

How I Make Time To Write

How I Make Time To Write

These past few months have been a whirlwind. We all get swept up in the business of life sometimes. I spend my days chasing a toddler around, being pregnant with our second child, church responsibilities, trying to stay fit, prepare healthy meals, laundry, and other 

You Almost Missed the Greatness

You Almost Missed the Greatness

You had it all planned out…

Emerging from my dark place.

Emerging from my dark place.

If you can but hold on another day…

The Beginning

The Beginning

I stand at the beginning…