How I Make Time to Write: Tip 2

How I Make Time to Write: Tip 2

Today I’m sharing my second tip to make time for writing.

Tip 2: One Project At A Time

I had so many fun ideas floating around in my head, that I often didn’t get any writing done. I would work a little on one project and then start something new. I decided to buckle down and complete one project at a time.

I made a list of all the ideas I wanted to write about and then started to tackle the ideas one-by-one. Through focusing on one thing at a time, I’ve been able to accomplish a great deal in a short amount of time.

I didn’t always feel in the mood to work on what was next on the list, but once I got started my enthusiasm for that project would re-spark. That would give me more momentum to keep going.

Check back soon for Tip 3!